Turn-Key Sites

Turn-key websites are terrible uses of money and should generally be avoided. I’m going to spend very little time talking about them because they’re not relevant to what we’re doing here, but you’re almost certain to come across them at some point.

These are websites that have been created, branded, and have a little bit of content on them, and then they’re sold for several thousand dollars under the guise that they made everything “much easier” for you to get started!

In reality, these websites take maybe a couple hours to set up, and they’re only relevant for people that have a ton of money but no knowledge whatsoever and want to start a blog from scratch.

Since these websites are making no money, have no traffic, and are arbitrarily valued, they’re not what we are looking for. Humanproofdesigns.com is a large merchant for these websites, so make sure to avoid them at all costs. For several thousand dollars, you can purchase a website that’s actually worth $10,000+.

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